A day at Discovery Day Nursery

A warm welcome to everyone is how we start the day at Discovery Day Nursery.

Our rooms

Each room has its unique routines to support children’s development needs whilst sharing access to the outdoors and healthy food choices.

Explore our rooms…

Explorers 2-3 years>

Adventurers 3-5 years>

Outdoor learning

All rooms enjoy access to our exciting outdoor area…

Outdoor learning.jpg

Healthy Eating

At Discovery Day Nursery we believe that healthy bodies and healthy minds are fuelled by a healthy and nutritious diet. We work closely with our families to cater for any dietary requirements and food allergies.

Snack time

At snack time, children can choose from a wide range of options including oat cakes, low fat cream cheese and fruit.

Hot lunches

A hot nutritionally balanced lunch is provided by Olive Catering and collected from Treetops Primary School. The company ensures that there is a vegetarian option and all allergies are catered for. A menu is available on request.

“They have a lovely outdoor area. My children have loved their time spent here, they’ve had so much fun every day and learnt so much. Highly recommend this nursery to anyone.”
— A Discovery Day Nursery’s parent